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Ok the Thanksgiving Day weekend is almost over, strange weather around N.J. up in the 70's on Thanksgiving Day and in the 20's today. Had to turn on the heat even. We got more orders than I expected on Thanksgiving day, guess it was eat the turkey then surf the web.
Sorta took it easy on Thursday, but got a bunch of stuff added to the shop and ebay the last few days, some of which is below.
PA-020 Miners with Electric Safety Lamps Postcard
Vintage postcard 'Miners Equipped with Electric Safety Lamps'. Published by Scranton News Co. Scranton, Pa. Card is unused.
NJ-015 Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N.J. Postcard
Vintage postcard showing the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N.J. Card is unused, nice condition.
Wash-009 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. Postcard
Early undivided back postcard, Pennsylvania Avenue from Treasury, Washington, D.C. On back Authorized by Act of Congress, May 19, 1898. Card is unused. Nice condition.
More vintage postcards at Country Joe's Paper and Postcards shop
Raz-087 Segal Razor, Gold Colored
Gold color Segal safety razor, used with wear to the plating on top of blade holder. The Segal razor uses Segal blades, but I've heard of regular blades being adapted.
Raz-101 Gillette Tech, Thick Handle
3pc Gillette Tech safety razor with thick handle. Handle is gold and silver color, has Gillette on top of razor holder. Very nice condition. Uses regulat D.E. blades.
Raz-102 Early Gillette Super Speed, No Date Code
Early Gillette Superspeed safety razor, gold color, silver collar above TTO part with Pat. Nos. on Package. Nice used condition.
Raz-103 Gem Single Edge Razor, Gold Color
Nice little gold colored vintage Gem single edge razor. Marked Gem on back and Gem / Brooklyn, New York / Made in USA inside. Has a little wear on the top.
Raz-052 Schick Injector Razor, Green Handle
Vintage Schick Injector type razor, mid 1940's with green molded handle. Marked 'Schick Injector' on spring washer. Gold plating is worn from use. Sorta neat with the green handle though.
Raz-076 Eversharp Schick Injector Razor
Vintage Eversharp Schick injector razor with pear color handle, 1946-1955. Patents: 1806807 and 1969945. Marked 'Eversharp Schick' on spring washer. Some wear, nice condition.
Raz-056 Gem Safety Razor, Gold Tip Handle
Vintage Gem safety razor, gold colored head, ivory plastic handle with gold tip. Marked inside Gem Razor, circle with a 'G' on each side of handle. Uses single edge blades. Red and clear (discolored) plastic case. NIce condition.
Raz-028 Star Safety Razor, Bakelite Handle
A vintage mid-1940's Star safety razor with wide marroon colored bakelite handle. Marked Star / Made in USA inside and Star on back of the head. Uses single edge blade. Made by the American Safety Razor Co. who also made the Gem razor. Nice condition.
Some other vintage safety razors in the shop.
Souv-007 Acapulco Wooden Souvenir Trinket Box
A neat carved wooden souvenir trinket box from Acapulco - 77. Has Helen carved on back. Stands on three little white feet and has white knob on top. Approx. 3-1/2 inches in diameter and almost 4 inches to top of knob. Nice condition.
Adv-059 Surflan Herbicide Advertising Tape Measure
Advertising tape measure from Ejanco Surflan Herbicide. 36 inch also in mm. Average condition.
Decor-019 Wood Figure,Kneeling Woman Praying,W.Tunas
Nice wooden figure of kneeling woman praying with hands against her forehead. The figure is approx. 11" high. Dark wood. Marked W.Tunas / Designed by ???? can't make out the rest. Condition is great.
Hdwe-019 Blue Porcelain Brach Radio Lightning Arrester
Vintage blue porcelain Brach 4004 Radio Lightning Arrester, nice addition to your vintage radio collection. Nice condition.
See ya, Country Joe
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All items were available for sale at the time this blog was posted.
Stop by the shop, we have a large selection of other collectibles including vintage advertising, paper and ephemera, old photos, vintage safety razors, costume, signed and silver jewelry, anitique and vintage kitchen stuff, graniteware, restaurant china and lots of other neat stuff.
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
Vintge Safety Razors, Postcards, Collectibles
Posted by
Country Joe
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Labels: collectibles, Postcards, Vintge Safety Razors
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