Monday, January 28, 2008

Bakelite Handled Kitchen Items, Travel Razors, Collectible Stuff

Country Joe's Collectibles Stuff shop, lots of interesting collectibles, small antiques, postcards and other neat stuff from the 'Zillion Item Hoard' added every week.

Mid winter weather, not bad, hanging in the 30's during the daytime. Brr at night.
Still digging merch out from recent purchases and stashed boxes of neat stuff. I figure this way I get a mixture. Tomorrow we dig into some jewelry etc.
Hey the Eclectic Collectibles forum is back, new location, new start.

Hard Plastic Doll in Red Dress, Germany
Doll-011 Hard Plastic Doll in Red Dress, Germany
Little hard plastic doll in red dress, has pigtails, red shoes, movable arms and legs. About 4-1/4 inches tall. Marked Germany Edr? Nice condition.
More Dolls

English Copper Lustre Creamer Pitcher Blue Band
English Copper Lustre Creamer Pitcher Blue Band
English Copper Lustre creamer or pitcher with blue decorative band. Approx. 5 inches tall, unmarked. Nice decorative handle. Nice condition, no chips or cracks. A few little specks on base where glaze did't cover.

Vintage B&R Dime Bank
Vintage B&R Dime Bank
Antique Dime Bank, Made by B&R Mfg / Unscrews When Full. different than the other Dime Banks with the screw in top. Has the B&R trademark on top. May have been gold plated at one time. About 3 inches long.

Bear Valley Police Patch
Bear Valley Police Patch
Bear Valley Police (California) shoulder patch. 5 inches long.

More Police Patches

Red Bakelite Handled Slotted Serving Spoon
Red Bakelite Handled Slotted Serving Spoon
A vintage red bakelite handled slotted serving spoon marked Corona on the stainless steel bowl. Total lenght is about 11 inches. Nice condition.

Red - Maroon Bakelite Handled Spatula
Red - Maroon Bakelite Handled Spatula
A vintage red or maroon bakelite handled spatula with a long stainless steel blade. Umarked, total lenght is about 12-1/2 inches. Nice condition.

Gillette Travel Razor Blue Leather Case
Gillette Travel Razor Blue Leather Case
Vintage Gillette travel razor in a blue leather zipper case. Case is made in Austria. Gillette on top of blade holder. Short handle double edge safety razor H-4 date code 1962. Strap that holds the razor head is torn. Thin Gillette blade included.

Gillette Travel Razor Vinyl Case
Gillette Travel Razor Vinyl Case
Gillette travel razor in vinyl case. Has Gillette impressed on top blade holder, S-1 date code 1972. Gillette Platinum-Plus DE Blade. Never used.

Vintage Gem Micromatic Green Bakelite Case
Vintage Gem Micromatic Green Bakelite Case
Vintage Gem Micromatic safety razor in a dark green marbilized bakelite case. Actually I don't believe the razor was ever used, a few small rub marks from moving around in the case.Uses regular single edge blades. Marked Gem on the top and inside the lid. Great condition.

Royal Duke Filters Advertising Box
Royal Duke Filters Advertising Box
Vintage advertising box of Royal Duke (Pipe) Filters, contains 10 filters. Standard equipment with all Royal Duke Pipes, Continential Briar Pipe Co. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1-3/8 x 2-3/8 inches.

Next Country Joe's Auction is Saturday Feb. 9th, 2008 at the American Legion Hall, Meadowbrook La. New Egypt, N.J

See ya, Country Joe

More neat stuff:
Old Photos
Silver Plate
Vintage Kitchen Trivets
Sewing Items
Vintage Valentine Day Postcards

If you would like to link to this blog: Collectibles at Country Joe's

All items were available for sale at the time this blog was posted. Remember the price you see in the shop is the price you pay, Shipping is included in the price (USA addresses). No surprises when you check out, like an extra zillion bucks for shipping.

Stop in and visit.
Country Joe's Collectibles Stuff
Vintage Postcards
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