Friday, December 07, 2007

Postcards, Paper and Vintage Safety Razor Collectibles

Stop in the shop, lots of interesting collectibles, small antiques and other neat stuff added every week. Please use links or click on images to go to the item pages.

Everything pretty much back together on my computer, still a few little programs to reinstall, stuff I don't use much, but like to have. Sorted out some vintage razors I bought last week and added them. Also and added a few postcards to the shop.

Had a little snow here the other day, just a covering, but enough to make me think winter, guess the ducks figured the same thing a bunch of them came up from the lake and moved back to the creek, their winter hangout. Plus they figured it was time for us to be putting corn out in the yard. So a few were on the patio yesterday looking in the kitchen door, so Jan tossed them a cup of corn and then there were 10 ducks. Have no idea how they know when the door opens and where they come from. You look out "no ducks" slide the kitchen door open "DUCKS, DUCKS & DUCKS".

Main Street Postcard
RPC-016 Main Street Postcard, Old Cars etc. Real Photo Postcard
Old real photo postcard of a main street scene but I don't know where. Street is lined with old Model T's etc. Also flags lining the street. Can make out "Celebration Sale, Closing Out Affairs of Black & Hanson Co."; "Victrola Drugs"; Gasoline sign; "Martenssen's"; Grocery sign; Western Union sign etc. but nothing that gives away where. Card is unused, average condition.

Academy, Maquoketa, Iowa, Real Photo Postcard
Iowa-009 Academy, Maquoketa, Iowa, Real Photo Postcard
Early real photo postcard 'Academy, Maquoketa, IA.'. Card is postmarked Jul 17,1914, stamp has been removed. Average condition.

Boston Pencil Sharpeners Advertising Pamphlet
Paper-025 Boston Pencil Sharpeners Advertising Pamphlet
An old pamphlet 'Do you get the point?' put out by Boston Pencil Sharpeners. All Boston Sharpeners have Speed Cuters. Nice average condition.

Tom Sawyer Land, Booklet, 1956, Rosa White Hughes
Paper-031 < Tom Sawyer Land, Booklet, 1956, Rosa White Hughes
A neat booket "Tom Sawyer Land" written and illustrated by Rosa White Hughes who was the painter of Mark Twain scenes. Copyright 1956. Has ten prints of scenes from Tom Sawyer. Approx. 7 x 10" in size. Nice condition.

And another bunch of vintage safety razors

1957 Gillette Super Speed Safety Razor C-4
Raz-021 1957 Gillette Super Speed Safety Razor C-4
A vintage 1957 Gillette Super Speed safety razor. Date code 'C-4'. TTO. Very nice condition.

1956 Gillette Super Speed Razor B-3
Raz-004 1956 Gillette Super Speed Razor B-3
Vintage 1956 Gillette Super Speed razor. TTO, date code B-3. Very nice condition.

Antique Infant / Invalid Feeder, Germany
Raz-010 Vintage Gem Safety Razor, Brooklyn
A very nice early Gem safety razor. Marked Gem on back and Gem / Brooklyn, New York / Made in USA inside. 1920's era, ornate handle..Uses single edge blades.

Gillette Ivory Soap Safety Razor w/Box
Raz-018 Gillette Ivory Soap Safety Razor w/Box
Vintage Gillette / Ivory Soap safety razor. Three piece, silver colored razor, has Use Ivory Soap on underside of lower blade holder. Top blade holder has three studs to hold the blade, center one is threaded for handle Has the original box, lower flaps missing. Handle has splits (seems to be a regular problem with these early razors) Still a neat collectible. Promotional item put out 1921 - 1930.

Antique Infant / Invalid Feeder, Germany
Raz-001 Durham-Duplex Safety Razor / Box
A vintage Durham-Duplex safety razor in a red triangular shaped box. Has 3 inch handle and uses a 2-1/4 inch blade. Razor is in nice condition, box has wear. Uses Durham-Duplex blades, has blde in it and box with five more blades included.

Dodge Razor Blades
Blade-007 Dodge Razor Blades
Vintage box of Dodge razor blades, box contains five individually wrapped double edge blades.
Price includes USA shipping.

Gillette Tech with Thick Silver Handle
Raz-095 Gillette Tech with Thick Silver Handle
3pc Gillette Tech safety razor with thick handle. Handle is silver color. Top of blade holder has some pitting. Uses regular double edge blades.
Gillette 'NEW' Style Safety Razor, Ball End
Raz-063 Gillette 'NEW' Style Safety Razor, Ball End
A nice vintage Gillette "NEW" style safety razor with ball end hollow handle. Has Pat. Jan. 13,1920. on the handle. Has bar and stud on top blade holder with slot on bottom. This was the first year they stopped using the three stud type blade holders, I believe. Nice condition, a few slight scratches on top. Nice collectible razor.

Antique Infant / Invalid Feeder, Germany
Raz-027 Gem Micromatic, Silver Color, Flip Top
Gem safety razor, silver colored TTO flip top head. Inside head 'Gem Micromatic / Trade Mark. Underneath has Made in USA and Patent Nos. Uses regular single edge blades. Has some scratches on top buy still nice razor.

See ya, Country Joe

More neat stuff:
Christmas Collectibles
Animal Figurines
Country Store, Primitives, Country Items

All items were available for sale at the time this blog was posted.
Stop by the shop, we have a large selection of other collectibles including vintage advertising, paper and ephemera, old photos, vintage safety razors, costume, signed and silver jewelry, anitique and vintage kitchen stuff, graniteware, restaurant china and lots of other neat stuff.

Remember the price you see in the shop is the price you pay, Shipping is included in the price (USA addresses). No surprises when you check out, like an extra zillion bucks for shipping.

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