Thursday, December 13, 2007

Real Photo Postcards, Vintage Razors, Ever-Ready Shaving Brush

Stop in the shop, lots of interesting collectibles, small antiques and other neat stuff from the 'Zillion Item Hoard' added every week. Please use links or click on images to go to the item pages.

Good day to all.
35* and dreary out there today.
Christmas season is creeping up and so is my New Years Day Auction. Not really ready for either, but will pull them off anyhow. I guess I'm just not tuned in this year. Shop has been pretty busy these last few days. A couple of nice orders and a bunch of smaller ones. Every sale helps toward warding off poverty though.
Been peeking in some little boxes of stuff around here in the "Zillion Item Hoard" and sometimes it's scary, why do I have some of this stuff? But then I add some of it to the shop and bingo someone orders it.
Okay, back to scanning some postcards and other stuff.

A few additions to the shop.
Gem Micromatic Razor, Bakelite Case
Raz-065 Gem Micromatic Razor, Bakelite Case
Vintage gold colored Gem Micromatic safety razor in black and red bakelite case. Razor is TTO with Gem Micrcomatic inside the head, Made in USA and patent numbers underneath. Uses regular single edge blades. Nice condition.

Gillette Super Speed, Black / Silver Handle
Raz-113 Gillette Super Speed, Black / Silver Handle
Gillette Super Speed with black handle and silver tip. Razor is TTO, uses regular double edge blades. Has R-2 date code. Nice condition.

Ladies Razor, Gillette, Blue Handle
Raz-114 Ladies Razor, Gillette, Blue Handle
Ladies non-adjustable razor. Long light blue with little stars on the handle below the head. U-3 date code. Very nice condition.

Ever-Ready Shaving Brush, Green
Shv-004 Vintage Ever-Ready Shaving Brush, Green
Nice vintage Ever-Ready shaving brush, sorta lime green handle. Ever-Ready / Set in Rubber / 1395. Never used.

Three Bears, Indian Head, N.H. Real Photo Postcard
NH-012 Three Bears, Indian Head, N.H. Real Photo Postcard
Vintage real photo postcard of "The Three Bears, Indian Head, White Mts. N.H. Has Defender stamp box on back 1920-1945 era. Card is unused, nice condition.

Bear Cub, Indian Head, N.H. Real Photo Card
NH-014 Bear Cub, Indian Head, N.H. Real Photo Card
Vintage real photo postcard of a bear cub climbing a pole, Peggy at Indian Head, N.H. Has Defender stamp box on back 1920-1945 era. Card is unused, nice condition.

Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota Real Photo Card
Minn-008 Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota Real Photo Card
Vintage real photo postcard of Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Has Jul 43 stamped on back. Card is unused, nice condition.

real photo postcards and other vintage postcards.

American Indian Beaded Purse
Van-009 American Indian Beaded Purse
Little vintage native American Indian beaded purse, probably was a souvenir item. Leather inside, zippered top. Approx. 2-3/4 x 4" in size. Nice condition.

See ya, Country Joe

More neat stuff:
Costume Jewelry
Animal Figurines
Country Store, Primitives, Country Items
Vintage Paper Collectibles.

All items were available for sale at the time this blog was posted.

Remember the price you see in the shop is the price you pay, Shipping is included in the price (USA addresses). No surprises when you check out, like an extra zillion bucks for shipping.

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